Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Last week, I emailed Proctor and Gamble to ask if they had plans to make one of their HE detergents in a particular scent that currently is only available in the standard detergent. I also mentioned that I thought the current available scent would be more aptly named 'revolting rain' instead of 'renewing rain,' as it added such a stench to our clothes that they are hard to wear. This is what they had to say:

We love to hear suggestions about improving our products or creating new ones; your comments help us decide what we'll do in the future. Be assured, I'm sharing them with the apropriate people in our company.

If you
want compensation for an idea, it's important to know P&G can't accept an idea for consideration without a patent or a patent application. Once an idea is patented, the only way to submit it for review is through Connect & Develop on the home page of our website, pg.com. Just click on the Connect & Develop icon near the middle of the page, then Submit Your Innovation.

Hope this is helpful.
P&G Team

No, P&G Team, this was not helpful in the least. I hope the "apropriate people" actually read the email I take the time to write and maybe find it within themselves to answer my question "apropriately." Oh, and I hope they know how to spell "apropriate."

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