Saturday, February 23, 2008


So, what's the deal with the title of my newly-formed blog? It's certainly not a claim that I'm a mom with good ideas about how to raise children, or get them to do what you want, or clean up their toys, or stop spreading vapor rub on the carpet because "it's not feeling well." No, I make no claims of knowing what's "right" or good (other than vapor rub on the carpet is definitely NOT good). Nope, my blog was named by my oldest son (he's almost 3) who's constantly telling me, "Mama, that's a good idea." Again, it's not because I'm overflowing with novel thoughts or creative activities (even to a 3 year old); but, rather it's his way of persuading me to let him do something he wants. Like, putting a step ladder by the toilet so his 9 month old brother can climb inside it. Good ideas like that. Lest you think he doesn't fully understand the difference between good and bad, he's the first to point out a misguided thought, "Mama, I DON'T LIKE that good idea!" (Like when I told him his baby brother does not belong in the toilet.)

So, as you can probably deduce from my title, this blog is about kids (my kids specifically) and motherhood. I'm an almost-32 yr. old at-home mom of two boys who was a sociologist in her former life. I live in South-Central Wisconsin right now, but next week I'll be living in North Texas where the snow isn't 8 ft. high and leaving the house doesn't require a half hour of bundling little ones' delicate skin in layers of fabric too thick to fit into a car seat. Yippee! Oh, and I'm also gay. Yep, our sons have two mommies. That's just a part of who I am, though, mostly I'm a mom and *gasp!* a homemaker. I'm rolling over in my own grave and loving it! Happy reading! -chels

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