Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Insect Rights Now!

Well, as you can see, I'm up to whopping entry #2 on my blog. So, naturally, you'd think I've taken the past 5 months to prepare something really hilarious, thought-provoking or informative to write about. You'd be disastrously wrong. My good intentions of blogging often were just that. Many a day have passed where I've written blog entries entirely in my head, saving them there for that free moment I need to transfer them to the computer. Problem is, by the time that free moment arrives, I've forgotten what I wanted to write about. Such is life.

With concentrated effort, I'm propelling this blog forward and committing to blogging at least once a week. This should be a doable feat, even for me. Not that I have delusions that y'all are awaiting my entries with eager anticipation, checking my blog a few times a day to see the latest antics of my life. But, if you're interested on the daily happenings and misadventures of my kids, you won't be disappointed.

My daily offering:
Today, Beckett told me (he's 3) sometimes he doesn't like me because I make him angry. Now, Beckett is fickle with his feelings, so when he says stuff like this it doesn't bother me. He doesn't like Mommy (not me, remember, I'm Mama) every few days because "she's mean" (like when she makes him sit down in the bathtub or because he doesn't like her car. I'm not sure how that makes her "mean," but, whatever, he's 3). But, typically, the "I don't like you" declaration manages to pass me by, even if I do deserve it. So, I knew it must be something really big, really horrible that I'd done to receive such a sentiment. So, with a heavy heart, I asked him why. He replied, "You pick ants and throw them." I guess to Beckett, this is a very, very bad thing. Maybe he'll grow up to be an insects' rights activist. After all, who is going to protect those stinging fire ants in their backyard mounds from all the invading parents who frantically try to remove them from their child's limbs only to find that not only does your child now have 25 fire ant bites, but you've gotten a few yourself. Really, who's standing up for the ants? I've got to say, Beckett's good at finding a niche. Did I mention he wants to be a ladybug for Halloween?

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